
Blend Stream

A great source of inspiration filled with animated short films created in Blender.

Whilst there are those who learn character animation with the goal of working in a TV, film, or game studio, there are also many independent creators who seek to bring their own, unique, ideas to the screen in one form or another.

My goal is for Into Animation to cater to the needs of both groups.

One of the great things about Blender is that it has everything you need to create a complete animated production within one, free, tool.

This means that your skills, time, and possibly the size of your graphics card, are the only real limiting factors in bringing to life whatever you can imagine.

Over the coming weeks I hope to share information, inspiration, and resources which will help those who seek to create short animated films of their own.


To kick things off I wanted to share a website called Blend.Stream which highlights short films which have been created using Blender.

Blend.Stream already has a wide range of films available to view and, once you’ve created a project of your own, you can submit it to be featured.

If you’re interested in seeing what can be achieved with Blender, I’d highly recommend checking it out.

Whilst tackling a short film is certainly no small undertaking, I hope that you find some of the films inspiring enough to consider making something of your own.


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